Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 2

9/9/13    Today I still ache, didn't get in any exercise yesterday :(    It's tough going this alone, I have to make "normal" meals for the rest of my family. Like tonite was homemade meatball subs, I did eat the meatballs and had canned hunts spag sauce, along with green beans and fried onions and garlic, after this week will be making my own sauce, for myself.   I did have an orange and 1/2 banana and a kale pineapple smoothie, will post a pic tomorrow of it.  

      Remember right now I am just cleaning up my diet of most processed foods this week and cutting out most if not all dairy.  Adding more veggies and water. Next week will be starting organic veggies and better meats. Also NO sugar. This week I have allowed Stevia packets with my coffee and almond milk but alas that will have to go too.  So it's almost bedtime and I need to get in some more water, oh and I am taking a good probiotic! 14Billion ..I keep it refrigerated. I did take a 500mg L-Carnitine supposed to help with carb cravings, going to take another in a few min.    I feel shaky like when you are hungry or had too much caffeine , oh I did have some tea a couple hours ago.. no no for me. oh well. Tomorrow is another day.

My Journey Begins

                                          My Journey Begins

      9/8/13                           Day 1~ 
     Well I decided to start this Journal so I can stay accountable and also to keep focused on what I have done and still need to do.  Eventually I will be doing the GAPS diet, but for now I have cut out grains, and all processed food.. still have some canned veggies that I am using but I rinse them well, up to now I have allowed beans also, but will be eliminating them after tomorrow too ( I made some soup with them) Cut out most dairy, will use organic cream for my coffee for now.  I will be making up chicken and beef stock so I can do the gaps diet in a week or two.  You need a lot of stock. I hope to add a lot of resources and recipes to help others along their own journey to a healthier life.
How I am feeling today? My condition is not good, I ache in all my joints and have confirmed arthritis in my toes and planter fasciitis in my left food, I hobble a lot, these conditions and the fact that I am 80 lbs overweight just keeps me from being as active as my mind wants me to be.  I typically craved tons of snacks and sweets after dinner and did all my over eating then. Today I made a veggie and kale soup and ate that all day. I did have an orange and apple also, I need to drink more water. All in all I did very good for day 1.